Thursday, January 24, 2008

Graffiti and the art of cooking

Whoa, I've worked for Greenpeace so I can't say that they didn't mess me up at all. Here I am, several months later; a vegan with a body and -not to forget!- a mind to die for. Feeling more alive than ever because I'm no longer a cementary for dead animals. I got to mention that I'm allergic to milk, why I'm vegan and not only vegetarian.

My parents just wanted to kill me, also the cookingchief at school. As I always do, I decided to obey my gutfeeling, telling me I had to stop the interior killing of my stomach, who is already more or less damaged by the milk I've eaten and some severe diseases...

Whoa, just got to mention the which've helped me a lot!

Graff by Banksy

Why art from an escape artist?

Artist or not, we all create something. I am not only creating, but often escaping what I am creating in order to escape from the past I created in my art. Creating to escape the art?
Or escaping by creating the art?
Doesn't matter, I'm still an escape artist...